Thursday, April 1, 2010

I think it’s been almost two weeks

Let’s see… friday 19th March. I think that’s the day I stopped smoking. As you can see, I didn’t quite make as big a deal of it as the last time.

Oh wait. I haven’t updated for a while now, yes? Ok here’s the quick update.

I started smoking again.


Duh. Not much of a story even. A stick here n there, “just for the holidays” and next you know, I’m back in it like I never left.

Anyways, for the past few months, I’ve been reading what is known as the most effective method of stopping smoking in the world. The name of the book is rubbish though, it’s called “Allen Carr’s EasyWay to Stop Smoking”.


Why self-help books MUST HAVE horrible names, i’ll never guess. But I can tell you that this book made my quitting process much less of a pain in the ass than previous occasions. It works on a simple metaphor, that a prisoner doesn’t want to know how nice it is outside, but would rather just be given a key to the prison cell.

In other words, the book doesn’t give you reasons to quit, but instead, takes away all your reasons to smoke. It’s difficult to explain, but one of the things I can assure you’ll love about it is that it encourages you to keep smoking until you finish the book.


Well, that’s a point of curiousity I’ll leave you with to give the book a shot.


Anyway, since then, I’ve found it surprisingly easy to stop so far. Most days I don’t even think about it. Sometimes when you’re in a group situation, the feeling is largely inevitable, but surprisingly manageable.


If the book was brainwashing, then I can only say that for now, my brain is clean. And so are my lungs.