Thursday, December 24, 2009

Back on the wagon for 2010

Wow… how’s that for a cliffhanger? 6 months ago, my last entry was “It’s getting Dangerous”. Well guess what… it did. Big time.

I’m smoking pretty much everyday again, although it’s only one or two sticks. I suppose I could view that as some form of an improvement, but I’d like to think i’m a bit more ambitious than that.

I’ve got a packed schedule between that and NewYear, so let’s do the corny thing and make it into a New Year’s resolution. Anyone wanna bet against it (your odds might improve based on the size of your best)? Promise I won’t cheat.

Anyways, that’s it. midnight January 1st 2010, I light my last stick.

Pictures to come.


  1. wow... you actually still comment here. Missed the deadline, but better late than never.
