Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another one bites the ash

Just found out yesterday that my fellow quitting buddy, Anna, has started smoking again. Worse still, she's not under any illusions about it, and has started back to full-on, buying her own cigarettes. I always thought that if you started again, you'd pinch a few first to see how it goes, disillusion yourself further, then go the full monty.

If you've read my earlier posts, you'll know that Anna was the one that got me thinking about quitting in the first place. She quit on New Year's Day, whereas I quit on Chap Goh Meh (End of Chinese New Year). So in effect, she's lasted aaaaalmossst 3 months. I've barely made it past a month, and I've already had a lapse.

I was actually planning on posting up some tips to help others quit, but I guess if there's one thing this is teaching me, it's that I'm not out of the woods yet.

To be honest, the news of her quitting quitting, made me think for a moment that starting again wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. Right now, despite having gone without a cigarette for three weeks (since my lapse), I'm currently suffering the worst cough I've had in a long time, and it doesn't seem to be going away. About the only benefits right now I can think of are that my voice isn't as rough, and that i have alot more space in my pockets.

That's why I'm waiting for this damn flu to end, so I can experience all the so called wonders of not smoking. Will keep you guys updated.


  1. The cough is normal. Its your body trying to get rid of the contaminants in your lungs. I can go into a whole long explanation but I'm not going to bore you. :)

    I'm experiencing a heightened appetite. Oh dear... As it is, I'm a fatty. :|

  2. yea, had munchies like mad on day one. It's much easier now though. Gotta keep busy man.
