Saturday, February 7, 2009

That's a wrap


It's 4.46am now, and I've just given all my leftover lighters to my friend (ironically the friend that *sorta* got me started smoking in the first place).

It feels apropos that I should share my 2nd last cigarette ever with him. I'm a big fan of symbolism, and I guess that's as symbolic as it gets.

Did i say 2nd last?


Hahah.. yup... I left myself just enough to roll myself one more. Everything else related to cigarettes is in that picture above, soon to be waiting for the lucky (unlucky?) trashman who comes in the morning.

For once, the thought of my last cigarette ever doesn't seem to bother me as much. I think more than any time i've ever tried to quit before, I'm probably more mentally prepared than ever this time.

How it started was that I was supposed to quit with my buffest female friend ever. She quit on New Year, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it. Congrats Anna!

At the same time, I was reading a book called "Quit Smoking", which my parents bought for me some time last year. It doesn't really tell you anything new about the process, but I think it sort of wishful thinking, in that by reading the book, I was making a real move in the right direction.

Fast forward to the first week of Chinese New Year (15 days ago),  when i was visiting my relatives the whole day, and thus not smoking the whole day, I didn't really notice the fact that hadn't had one for the better part of 23 hours.

So I made the decision. At my annual CNY shindig, I would puff my last puff and start this blog to chronicle my progress, and as a cathartic output for my expected frustrations in the days to come.

The weekend's also been extremely conducive for this huge step. On friday, I had my last smoke  filled night out and it was HORRIBLE. I went to Bar Sonic in Zouk, and the room was so filled with smoke that my nostrils are still clogged with gunk right now. On top of that, I started developing a sore throat which for the first time ever, I'm glad for. I've also just finished packing for my annual CN party, which i got to hang out with all my buddies, smoke with them, and won 200 bucks in poker in the process.

It's been a good night. And it feels right.

So here goes. I'm about to go for my last fag, and tomorrow, we'll take it one day at a time. I'm setting my short-term target for Next Sunday, 5am. A week without smoking can't be that bad right? Well, you guys will be the first to know.

Speaking of you, dear reader - I'd appreciate any input from fellow quitters to help me along, or for anyone who'd like to offer their thoughts.

I've read that telling yourself it's your last stick EVER can be incredibly demoralising, so let's start small - Ok, going for my last stick for a



Ok. I'm done.

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