Thursday, February 5, 2009

Two days to go

Yup, I've decided.

This Sunday (Feb 7th 2009), I'm a gonna take out all evidence that I ever had that i was a smoker. This includes :-

  • filters in the car
  • metal rollers
  • leftover paper
  • shitty spanish cigarettes i bought, smoked once, hacked and never smoked again (circa 2005)
  • 7-8 lighters that i didn't buy
  • one lighter that i think i did buy cos it was in Foldees colors.
  • an addiction that's causing me to type this blog with a pre-rolled cigarette in my mouth.


This does not include :-

  • mildly yellowing teeth (at least until my next scaling)
  • chronically dry lips
  • countless facebook pictures of me puffing away
  • this blog that will chronicle my quitting process


Speaking of the blog, this is my attempt at creating a hopefully cathartic outlet for me for my frustrations at quitting smoking. My firt order of business with the blog is to ensure you my absolute uncensored honesty. Even if i do start smoking again at some point, I will let you know.

To prove that to you, here's the honest truth of the moment.


As I am typing this, I have a cigarette in my mouth.

Yup. Gonna puff this one after i finish writing this. Since I have two days left, I might as well make full use of them right?


God. I hope I'm stronger when the time comes. Sheesh.

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